Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Anjelina Jolie's Movie Salt Poster

Now that you appetites have been waken up by a blazing new trailer the production of salt is aiming to make you even more curious about the movie.

Which they seem to be aiming for a general mystery theme as you can guess by their catch phrase "Who is Salt". So we are proud to present you this Brand New Poster with Russian Letter spelling out salt in the background it makes it mysterious and revealing all at the same time so watch it and tell me why you think the text is misaligned!!

Evelyn Salt is her name and she works for the USA government, unfortunately for her somebody points a finger her way and says the word spy actually more like "Russian Spy" and all Hell breaks loose.....

(Click on the Image to Enlarge!!)

So tell me don't you think Jolie's eyes make tribute to he name??
Because that green and brown is totally gorgeous to look at...
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1 comment:

nit said...

It had been a long time since when I saw as real action movie as Salt. I was amazed to see the action stunts performed by Angelina Jolie. It rocks man. Trust me guys I enjoyed the movie a lot. Moreover the quality as always provided by this website was matchless. That’s why I refer this website to you all to download Salt movie.

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